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Past Events
January Meeting – Creating Beautiful and Functional Landscapes with Laura Schaub
Award winning landscape designer Laura Schaub gave a very inspiring presentation on how to combine beauty and function in your landscape designs.
December Community Meeting – No Meeting
Our December meeting fell on Christmas Day so we took the month off.
November Community Meeting – Pre Thanksgiving Gathering
Since our meeting was the day befor ethanksgiving we had an informal gathering and discussion for those who could attend. Olive oil cake and filling seed packets were bonus activities.
October Community Meeting – Emergency Preparedness Show and Tell
We did not do a formal presentation but we had a great time doing emergency preparedness show and tell.
September Community Meeting – Intro to Permaculture with Eric Seider
Eric Seider, our co-founder and international permaculture consultant and designer, gave a highly informative and inspiring presentation on the fundamental principles of permaculture. He explained how these principles can be applied to any country, culture, or geography to aid in the development of resilient and regenerative communities.
August Community Meeting – Converting Lawns to Gardens with Jen McLeod
Jen McLeod from Sunflower and Sage Gardens gave an excellent presentation on her ideal methods for converting grass lawns to food and wildlife gardens for our August 2024 community meeting. There was a lively discussion afterwards where community members shared their own successes and strategies for creating their own gardens.
July Community Meeting – Pickling Basics with Justin Davis
Justin Davis from Neanderthal Farms gave an informative pickling presentation for our July 2024 community meeting. There were many very tasty pickled items to taste and enjoy!
June Community Meeting – Permaculture and Pollinators with Blake Dacy
Blake Dacy from Sacramento Beekeeper gave a great presentation about creating habitat for local pollinators utilizing permaculture design and principles for our June 2024 community meeting. We were also treated with an amazing zucchini marmalade cake, that is in contention to be included in our upcoming 12 month Recipe Book.
May Community Meeting – The Chicken Tractor On Steroids with Eric Seider
Our Co-Founder Eric Seider gave a very informative presentation on the amazing Chicken Tractor on Steroids created by Geoff Lawton for our May 2024 community meeting. The chicken tractor on steroids is an amazing compost creating, fertility engine that also give you eggs and chickens as a by product. We were also treated with an amazing Olive Oil cake, that is in contention to be included in our upcoming 12 month Recipe Book.
April Community Meeting – Introducing The Abundance Swap
Our Co-Founders Matt Benavidez and Eric Seider gave an overview of the structure and intention of the Permaculture Community Group as well as the reason for using permaculture as the focus for the group. We introduced the abundance swap where members bring in their surplus plants, seeds, cuttings, produce and homemade goods to share with the community. This is in practice of the third ethic of permaculture, the return of surplus.
March Community Meeting – Our First Official Meeting!
This was our first official meeting of Permaculture Fair Oaks! We are a nonprofit permaculture community group located in Fair Oaks, CA. Our mission is to promote community resiliency, food and future security and abundance through permaculture education and demonstration. We kept the meeting format casual and had a round of introductions to get to know one another and a lively and informative discussion about the benefits of permaculture design, and some general tips about gardening in the Sacramento area.